Saturday, September 10, 2011

Vogue fashion night!

I went to Vogue Fashion Night in Paris. There were a lot of people when I arrived CHANEL!But I love Chanel, so I decided to standing in a line. It was a great mistake. I had to wait for almost two hours. As a result, I couldn't make the most of an opportunity. Vogue Fashion night was for me nonsense.

A crowd that I hate...

The looks I love. Especially, I think that I look nice in second look, because it's mini!(= for little women) But I couldn't find anything nice inside of the bouthique.

Caron that I couldn't enter.

Finally, I found really nice bags and scarves in Loewe. I love them.

Now I have a basic question. Does VGN(Vogue fashion night) work good? I've never seen anyone who bought something during this particular night. In stead of that, I saw a lot of people who came there for just champagne. I was rather disappointed and first of all I was so tired.

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